Innovative Companies
Founded by Inspire Innovation
Inspire Innovation Co. is an R&D company focused on designing and developing tools & technologies that innovate social enterprises to maximize their social & financial impact. We’ve launched 3 social ventures in the last 16 years, focused on financial education, tools & technology for entrepreneurs. Most notable creations include: financial literacy curriculum for kids in schools, wealth mindset coaching/training programs for entrepreneurs, and an innovative business model providing affordable, high quality accounting/tax solutions for the most underserved entrepreneurs nationwide. New innovations are created by inventors that are experienced entrepreneurs, which brings forth the practical understanding of what it takes to bring an invention to the marketplace, and create measurable and lasting impact.
Inspire Learning, Ltd.
Financial Literacy & Prosperity Consciousness for the Next Generation. A financial education company that designs and delivers custom financial literacy curriculum for children in schools.
Club Freedom
Set Yourself Free to Live the Life You Create. Club Freedom®, formerly a coaching company for entrepreneurs, is transforming into a platform connecting entrepreneurial-minded individuals with Master Lifestyle Entrepreneurs.
Financial Peace of Mind. The “eHarmony” of the accounting world. CPA MOMS® matches licensed CPA mompreneurs with business owners looking for high quality, affordable bookkeeping and tax services.
A Winner’s Mindset
In the Eyes Wide Shut article, I described the games people play with their finances. The purpose was to make people aware of the financial path we are all on and to help readers determine what path they want to be on. I highlighted the difference...
Defining A New Financial Future
Everyone has a financial future. We are either consciously creating that future or unconsciously accepting a default financial future. An intended future, one that meets our needs and wants, requires a plan. Here’s a sports analogy: Think of your...
Lifestyle Entrepreneurs
Lifestyle entrepreneurs are a new breed of business owners that are a mix of solopreneurs and fully leveraged business owners that have reprioritized our lives, and have created new rules on how we interact with our businesses. How can you spot a...
Tell us about yourself, your business and your vision. Current topics of interest:
Connecting with growth CEOs who have a proven track record of scaling early stage businesses
Conscious capital looking to invest & participate in highly scalable social ventures
Podcasts and Events looking for a dynamic presenter, trainer to inspire your audience
Entrepreneurs, innovators, or investors looking for collaboration and new adventures
Social entrepreneurs looking for mentorship, coaching and business/financial advise
Businesses with a complex business or financial system problem ready for a permanent solution
Mayumi is a Social Innovator and founder of Inspire Innovation. Her mission is to design tools & technology that innovate the entrepreneurial experience and maximize social and financial impact in three key areas: education, entrepreneurship and money. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller, Inspire Innovation designs tools “the use of which will develop new ways of thinking.”